Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Good and the Bad

Good news: The police inspectors from Mmatlhake came to see me this morning, during my language class. They found my jewelry! It's a little dirty and twisted, but I'm just thrilled to see everything again. Of course the money is all gone. Oh well, welcome to Peace Corps South Africa. As it turns out, the mentally ill neighborhood man was responsible. Once the police found him, he readily confessed to everything. He had two pairs of earrings on him and admitted to giving the third pair away (which the police also recovered). It's generally assumed that he has drunk all the money away. I'm happy that no one in my host family was involved, and I hope to visit Sehokho again before I leave for my site.

Bad news: Because of the various illnesses floating among trainees, about a dozen have been quarantined as a precaution. I'm not sick at all, but since I'm currently staying at the college, I'm stuck with them for a few days. The worst part is that while they all get to sleep in every day, I have to be up early and in class all day. I almost wish I had the flu... almost.

In other news, I spent this morning at Sehokho Primary School teaching a lesson on America and American culture. The learners were stunned to hear that it takes 18 hours by air to reach America. They were disappointed that local soap operas (Generations, Scandal, Isidingo and Rhythm City) are not aired in the US. They were also greatly disappointed that I do not see celebrities on a regular basis. "No, I have not met Beyonce or Chris Brown or Barack Obama, nor have most Americans." I tried to teach Heads Up 7 Up and Four Corners, but the learners already knew them. They still enjoyed playing them though. I learned some games and cultural songs and dances from them which was tons of fun, but totally exhausting. Sadly, today was my last visit to this school. Next week I will be at my permanent site to see my new school(s) for the first time!


  1. Kelsey,

    I'm happy to hear that they found the man responsible and that you recovered your earrings. It is unfortunate about your money, but I'm very glad that you weren't hurt.

    I really really really hope you don't contract the swine flu. Stay away from those sick people!

    Sounds like you had an excellent day today. I always knew you would be an excellent teacher! I hope your permanent site is wonderful and more kind to you than this one has been.

    Good news: I finally had my doc appointment today! Everything is fine, except...well, apparently I have diabetes. They drained 3 vials of blood out of me. Now I'm almost out. I will also be seeing a specialist in a couple of weeks about my lack of fat/injection sites issue that I've been having.

    Hope you remain healthy and safe. Miss you every day.


  2. Dude! Firstly, i'm so happy you got those earrings back, that's the most important thing. You can get swine flu all you like, but if you can't accessorize, then you've got serious problems!

    I was so glad to hear about life saving chocolate bars and that you are saying maths instead of math! yay!

    I can't wait to hear about your next adventures!

  3. Hi Kelsey--Boy, you are certainly having some experiences there so far!! Glad you got the jewelry back and they caught the guy and you are ok. Hope you don't get sick. I did a great book signing on the Cape last weekend-sold all 25 books and the store is ordering more. Love, Uncle FRAN

  4. Haha maybe I should have read a bit farther! Yay you got your earrings back! You have to teach me these songs and dances when you return. I want to be as cultured and wise as you! I should probably still send you replacement earrings though since the other ones are all bent. I'll get on that when I get back to Boston I feel like they would have a better selection. Anything else you need? Like peanut butter? I figure Sanoma wouldn't last the trip so we will have to continue cooking everything when next we meet and have a kitchen on hand.

  5. P.S. Give us your permanent address so that I can send you your package!!
